Success at planning requires planning

Obtaining planning permission for a construction or development project involves a series of steps and can vary depending on your location and the nature of your project. Here are the most logical first steps to take when seeking planning permission:

1. Research Local Planning Policies and Regulations:

Begin by researching the planning policies and regulations in your area. Each local planning authority (LPA) has its own set of policies and guidelines that govern development. You can typically find this information on the LPA's website or by contacting their planning department.

2. Identify Your Objectives and Constraints

Clearly define your project objectives, including the type of development, size, and purpose. Consider any constraints or challenges that may affect your project, such as site constraints, impact on neighbouring properties, environmental concerns, or heritage impacts.

3. Engage with Local Planning Authority:

Contact the local planning authority early in the process to discuss your project. This initial consultation (known as the pre-application stage) can help you understand the feasibility of your proposal. This involves submitting details of your proposal for review and feedback before you formally submit a planning application. This can be a valuable step to receive guidance and address any major concerns upfront.

4. Develop a Detailed Proposal:

Once you have a clear understanding of the planning regulations and any feedback from the LPA, develop a detailed proposal that addresses all the necessary requirements. This should include architectural plans, site plans, impact assessments, and any other documents required by the LPA.

5. Community Engagement:

Engage with the local community and neighbours on more complex projects to gather their feedback and address any concerns. Demonstrating community support for your project and showing how you have responded to feedback can be beneficial during the planning process.

6. Consult with Professionals:

Depending on the complexity of your project, consider hiring an experienced planning consultant to help you navigate the planning process. They can help you prepare a comprehensive planning application and assist in obtaining other necessary technical input.

7. Submit a Planning Application:

Prepare and submit your planning application according to the guidelines and requirements provided by the LPA. Include all necessary documents, pay the application fee, and ensure that your submission is complete and accurate.

8. Monitor the Application Process:

Stay engaged with the planning authority throughout the application process. Be responsive to requests for additional information or revisions. Attend planning committee meetings if necessary to present your case.

9. Receive a Decision:

The LPA will review your application and make a decision based on planning policies and other material considerations. They may approve, refuse, or conditionally approve your application.

Remember that obtaining planning permission can be a time-consuming and sometimes challenging process. It's crucial to be patient, adaptable, and prepared to make adjustments to your proposal based on feedback and potential concerns. Seeking the professional advice of Contour Planning means we do all this and much more for you. We will also undertake early engagement with the LPA which can greatly increase your chances of success and can assist in addressing any points raised during the statutory consultation process.
Want to know more - just give us call or drop us an email.


Top ways to get your planning application validated.